Workflow and Notifiers

Michael Swansegar
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September 16, 2011

When a new ticket comes there an option or plugin to :

1. Alert (email and/or SMS) new ticket creted

2. Workflow -- when ticket untouched for x amount of time...escalate and/or alert

3. When status or issue types follow another workflow based on which status/issue type change occured

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October 22, 2012

Hi Mswansegar.

1. Alert (email and/or SMS) new ticket creted

This can be achieved by creating a notifications schemes. For more info, you can refer to this documentation :-Create a Notification Schemes

2. Workflow -- when ticket untouched for x amount of time...escalate and/or alert

This can be done by writing a Jelly Script which invokes the filter. There is a short video on Simple SLA with Filters. For more information, you can refer to this documentation:- Escalation and SLA

3. When status or issue types follow another workflow based on which status/issue type change occured

Can you briefly explain about this matter?


Warmest Regards,

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