Why is the Issue Navigator so much slower to display than a Dashboard Gadget with the same filter?

Matt Peterson January 5, 2012

I've searched Answers, FAQs, and the Jira defects but can't find anything recent about this performance issue, so I suspect it may be local to our instance running on 4.2.4, as well as a dev instance of 4.4.4.

A filter displayed in Issue Navigator will take up to tens of seconds to display. This is true even if it is already displayed and the Edit tab is clicked. It takes a very long time to load the same data again.

The same filter displayed in Filter Results gadget on a Dashboard will load in less than a second. This remains true as the data changes.

I see this same behavior on our production and dev instances which have very different loads.

Is this performance discrepany normal?



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Jobin Kuruvilla [Adaptavist]
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January 5, 2012

Does you dashboard has all the columns that is displayed in your issue navigator? Issue Navigator normally displays a lot more stuff that the dashboard.

A big difference in performance can happen if you have a custom field that takes more time to render and if it available only in the issue navigator. Basically all the columns in the navigator renders separately and the total time is a sum of all. Watch out for the fields I say!

You can do some profiling to see more details.

Matt Peterson January 5, 2012

Extra columns in the Issue Navigator--that's it!

I had about a dozen custom fields displaying, including both Greenhopper Rank and a second ranking field we've added. Since they were all on the second page in the Navigator I didn't see them.

Thank you!

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