Why can i not find my Epics Link in the drop down list when trying link a Story or Task

g.manger June 10, 2020

When in Issue Detail of a Story or Task I click on the box to add Epic Link. The Epic i want to link it to does not appear. 

This is despite the Epics being listed in the Project and on the Kanban Board...


Actually I think it is due to the filter taking Issues from other Projects. So my next question is: Can I create a Kanban board outside of a Project to review all Issues of a certain type and Epics? I.e. across the whole portfolio?

2 answers

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John Funk
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June 10, 2020

Hi @g.manger  - Yes, we create boards that are based on an Epic. Jira makes you link the board to a Project, but that's only for allowing access to the board from within a project. It does not mean that only issues on that project can be seen. 

The issues that show up on the board are based on the filter associated with the board. So create a board and link it to whatever project you want - but you need one. 

Then attach the board to a filter that looks like: "Epic Link" = ABC-123 

Then all issues that are under that Epic will appear on the board. You can also use the "Epic Link" in (ABC-123, DEF-456) functionality. 

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Trudy Claspill
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June 10, 2020

Yes, you can create a filter that collects information from multiple projects.

And yes, you can create an agile board that uses that filter.

When creating an Agile board, after selecting the type of agile board you want to create, the next screen asks you to pick the data source for your board. You can select between creating a brand new project with your board, creating a board that selects from 1..n projects, or creating a board based on an already existing saved filter.

So, create the filter that selects the issues you want, from the multiple projects. Save the filter. Then create a board and select the third option (existing saved filter) as the source.

However, the display of Epics in the Epic Link field is not limited by filters. It is limited by what you have access to see across the JIRA system. So, if some of the epics you expect are not showing it could be due to your limited visibility, or it is only showing the most recent epics you've viewed, or if you are entering data to try to match to an epic, you may not be finding a good match. If you can provide more details about what you're entering and seeing that might help us diagnose the issue.

g.manger June 10, 2020

Thank you so much. I don't see where I can create board from except for in a Project. When click create Project it only lets me create a whole Project. 

Dashboards don't have a Kanban App.

Trudy Claspill
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June 10, 2020

Are your projects Classic projects or NextGen projects?

My answer is applicable to Classic projects, for sure. I have not worked with NextGen projects in JIRA Cloud. The options there might be different.

For Classic projects you should find the option to create an agile board in the navigation pane on the left, by pulling down the field that shows either "Board" (no boards exist yet) or the name of an existing board.

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 8.52.39 AM.png

When you pull that down, you should see "Create Board" at the bottom of the pull down.

When you select Create Board there, you should next get a prompt to select either Scrum or Kanban.

After that you should get the prompt for the source of data for your board.

If you are seeing something else, can you provide screen images?

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