What are requirements for using the Epic Burndown report?

Paula Manildi January 8, 2019

Do you have to be using a Scrum board? and Sprints?

Can your EPICS have issues in other projects?

Does someone have an example of a company-wide initiative using EPICS in one project and issues in multiple other projects?

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Petter Gonçalves
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 9, 2019

Hello Paula,

Thank you for contacting the community about this question. Indeed, I'm sure there are several other users facing the same questions as you due to the complexity of this feature. There we go:

1 - Do you have to be using a Scrum board? and Sprints?

In fact, the Epic Burndown Report is optimized for scrum teams that work in sprints in order to make tracking much easier. The Kanban methodology uses a different approach where you don't have a set timeframe for when items need to be done. That been said, this particular report will not make much sense when using Kanban.

2 - Can your EPICS have issues in other projects?

Yes. Since the Story points/time estimation from child issues (Stories) is not summed to the related Epic, it will not impact the Epic Burndown report. Only the Story Points/Time estimation manually added to an Epic will affect the Epic Burndown Report.

3 - Does someone have an example of a company-wide initiative using EPICS in one project and issues in multiple other projects?

Could you please give us more context about how/why you would like to link issues from other projects to the Epic? Would the progress of these issues affect the Epic metrics by anyway?

I already saw some teams working with issues from other projects, where they were using it to track blockers activities to the progress of the Epic and using another board to track the progress of these activities, not relating the time tracking of both.

Additionally, please refer to the documentation below to know more details and specifications about the Epic Burndown Report:

Epic Burndown Report

Let me know if this information is useful for you, Paula.

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