Way to filter for all stories linked to any epic in an existing saved filter

Michael Taylor
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June 25, 2020

I'm not sure if this is possible, but I am trying to create a filter-driven traceability matrix of my Jira issues in Confluence.  My organization has a rather non-standard Agile methodology, so let me explain the criteria.

My hierarchy is:

  • Platform Key Results (PKRs) [essentially Themes]
    • Team Key Results (TKRs)  [essentially Epics]
      • Epics [essentially Features]
        • Stories/Tasks

The PKR and TKR tickets live in Project 1, the Epics live in Project 2, and the Stories live in Projects 2-12.

The filters for the PKRs and TKRs were basic, as TKRs are SubTasks on PKRs, so there is a many to one relationship there.

For the Epics, I had to get a bit more creative because there can be a many to one or many to many relationship.  My filter looks like:

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfAll("issue in linkedIssues(PRJCT1-1136) OR parent = PRJCT1-1136") AND project = "PRJCT2" AND issuetype = Epic

When I try to apply a downstream approach to get Stories and Tasks in the same manner, I'm not getting any results.

Is there a way I am missing to say "give me all of the Stories and Tasks with an epic link to an epic in filter 'all of my epics related to PKR1'"?  I have been staring at this for hours, and it's possible my brain is melting.

Thanks in advance!

3 answers

1 vote
Jack Nolddor [Sweet Bananas]
Marketplace Partner
Marketplace Partners provide apps and integrations available on the Atlassian Marketplace that extend the power of Atlassian products.
June 26, 2020


Michael you cannot achieve the desired search using standard features on Jira, you must go for a third-party app instead. Using i.e. JQL Booster Pack you can type the following:


1) Search for stories linked to any epic in an existing saved filter:

type = Story AND issue IN issuesInEpics( 'filter = MyAwesomeFilterName' ) 

(*) Note that this is just an example, you must tune above query to fit your needs. In case you are using Script Runner for Jira, you must change issue field and use issueFunction.


Using this app you can also query other issues relations, check:



Kind Regards

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Ulf Meitzel
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January 5, 2024

Try this - it will give you any issue linked to a deticated issue:

issueFunction in linkedIssuesOfAllRecursive("issue = AA-123", "is Parent of") OR Epic link = AA-123 OR issue = AA-123

0 votes
Jonathan Cothran January 5, 2023

This JQL should pull up all user stories under an Epic Link


type = story and "Epic Link"= AA-1234

You could expand this to pull up all user stories under multiple Epics as well. Let me know if you would like an example.  

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