User story and defects

Garden16_ December 13, 2023

I am seeking a report on the dashboard that shows all the defects related to the user story.

or user stories that are not closed.  We have customized field called 'Business requirments'  in Jira for the connecting the user story to the defects. The jql pulls the requirement of that project . However, we do not have anything on the user story side that links the defects to the user story.

1: option 1 : is it good to go back and link all the defects in the User story using the linked issue 

2: option2 : Should we create a custom field for the user story create a jql for querying the defects associated with the User story using 

3: Do we need to create a listener that will automatically add the defects when the defect is raised for the user story 

I have script runner tool , please suggest posisble ways to link all defects to the User story

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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
Community Leader
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April 7, 2024

Hi @Garden16_

Were you able to find a solution for this?

Thank you and Kind regards,


Garden16_ May 9, 2024

Unfortunately  no Ram

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