Unexpected status code during login: 500 in Eclipse

Michael Gatto
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December 1, 2011

I'm setting up the latest Atlassian Connector for Eclipse. When I click "Validate Settings" I get "Unexpected status code during login: 500 in Eclipse". I've enabled follow redirects and disabled it; it doesn't help. The Jira installation is up and running fine for web browsers.

We're running Jira 4.3.4

4 answers

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CameronA October 10, 2012

Hi Michael, we updated to JIRA 5.1.4, enabled "Accept remote API calls" and I was successfully able to pull JIRA issues into eclipse using the mylyn plugin.

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CameronA October 10, 2012

Thanks. I saw this in my error log:

2012-10-03 14:08:47,821 http- ERROR [500ErrorPage.jsp] Exception caught in 500 page com.atlassian.seraph.auth.DefaultAuthenticator$1 cannot be cast to com.opensymphony.user.User

java.lang.ClassCastException: com.atlassian.seraph.auth.DefaultAuthenticator$1 cannot be cast to com.opensymphony.user.User

at org.jasig.cas.client.integration.atlassian.JiraCasAuthenticator.authenticate(JiraCasAuthenticator.java:55)

at com.atlassian.seraph.auth.DefaultAuthenticator.login(DefaultAuthenticator.java:94)

at com.atlassian.seraph.filter.PasswordBasedLoginFilter.runAuthentication(PasswordBasedLoginFilter.java:127)

at com.atlassian.seraph.filter.PasswordBasedLoginFilter.login(PasswordBasedLoginFilter.java:72)

at com.atlassian.seraph.filter.BaseLoginFilter.doFilter(BaseLoginFilter.java:130)

at com.atlassian.jira.web.filters.JiraLoginFilter.doFilter(JiraLoginFilter.java:70)

I read in a post somewhere (I can't find the link off-hand) that this may be resolved in JIRA 5.x. I'm planning to upgrade to 5.x anyway so I'll check if the Atlassian plugin for eclipse works with this version of JIRA.

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Michael Gatto
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 10, 2012

No, I dropped it due to lack of time in having to deal with it for now.

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CameronA October 3, 2012

Michael, I'm experiencing the same issue. Did you happen to resolve this issue offline?

I'm running JIRA 4.4.3

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