Trying to upgrade JIRA 4.3.3 to 4.4.4 - no upgrade option

Dean Hoover
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December 13, 2011

We are currently running JIRA 4.3.3 on an Ubuntu Linux server.

I downloaded the .bin for JIRA 4.4.4. From the upgrade instructions, once I run the .bin file I should choose the UPGRADE option, however the only options I get are INSTALL or EXIT.

Is there something I might be missing?

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Jim Birch
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December 14, 2011

This got me too, the doco is a bit ambiguous. You need to do a manual upgrade to 4.4.x (which is essentially a new installatiion connecting to the old DB) from then on you can do the faster automated in-place upgrade.

FYI the in-place upgrade copies almost all of the old config but misses some odd bits. In our case, this includes the proxy settings in, some custon workflow icons, and redirect-to-the-full-url filter in urlrewrite.xml. These need to be added manually.

John Edstrom December 26, 2011

it all sounds a bit iffy.

  • does it clobber the old stuff, or install in a different directory?
  • does the install/upgrade procedure transition automatically from install to upgrade, or does it need to be run twice?
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Dean Hoover
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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December 26, 2011

In the end, Jim is right -- the documentation is a little faulty.

When you first run the .bin file, it gives you the option of installing or exiting. If you choose to install, the program then asks if you want to install new or upgrade. From there, the upgrade procedures are pretty much on task.

Overall, the upgrade went very smooth.

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