The time stamps on my Comments are totally wrong

Yevgeny Simkin November 8, 2011

The issue creation and last modified times are correct, but the time stamps next to comments are totally wrong, and not just off by time-zone, but actually have an entirely *wrong time, for example... a comment that I made at 12:25(PST) on Nov 9th is being listed as being made at 08/Nov/11 2:42 PM.

The time on my server is set correctly, so, I'm totally confused where its getting this erroneous time. It is however, consistent, so, when I make another comment a minute later, it posts it at 08/Nov/11 2:43 PM. How do I adjust this? Where is it getting its time?

Thanks in advance!

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Wojciech Seliga
Rising Star
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November 14, 2011

Hmm, are you sure that you are not experiencing time zone differences issue? If you use JIRA 4.4+ you can configure timezones one per-user basis.

Go to your profile | Settings and see if the timezone there is configured for you correctly.

If it's not the issue - please let us know more details: your server timezone, your user timezone.

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