Structure - Sorting Group By Numericially

larry joseph
January 23, 2025

In Structure I want to group issues by sprint and sort it numerically.  The sprint name is for different teams and is in the format of Team Name Sprint #, ex XYZ Sprint 10, ABC Sprint 11 (sprint numbers are normalized across teams).


To do this I created a Group By and Sort using this formula to strip the sprint name down to just the sprint number:

if sprint = undefined : 9999 else number(replace(sprint,"* Sprint ")). I've also tried a variety of other formulas to force Structure to treat the data as numeric, but none have worked.


The formula works to get the sprints to just the number and groups the sprints together by number, but I cannot get it to sort numerically.  No matter what I try it only sorts as text. See screen shot of how it is working.  How can I get this to sort numerically?

Structure Group By Not Sorting.jpg

Structure Group By Not Sorting Generators.jpg


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