Sprint Report: Completed Issues

Marcelo Salloum
November 6, 2017

Currently, the sprint reports show issues as completed ("Completed Issues" section) only based on the column name.

Is that possible to generate reports displaying all issues with "statusType == Done" as completed?

For instance, please refer to the screenshot below. I'd like my issues with "status == `Code Review`" to be marked as done in the report, together with the issues with "status == Done". Is that possible?


Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 18.22.51.png


Below are the columns I've being using:

Screen Shot 2017-11-06 at 18.26.53.png

4 answers

2 votes
Burc Sahinoglu
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September 6, 2018

I think there should be a way to pick the status you consider "completed".

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Gregory Van Den Ham
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November 6, 2017

I think you'd have to create a jql query report outside of this.   The sprint report mapping is based on column mapping.

According to documentation:

Sprint Report — an issue is considered complete (done) when it is in a status that is mapped to the 'successful' (rightmost) column in the column configuration.


A JQL might look like:

project = "Projectname" and Sprint = 461 and (status = done or status = Code Review)

Marcelo Salloum
November 13, 2017

Thanks, @Gregory Van Den Ham. I think your suggestion is on how to make a JQL Query to browse those issues, right?

What I am aiming here is how to get a custom report where I can define what is a completed ticket.

I am not sure if that is something I could only achieve through external JIRA solutions though.

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Steve Larmon June 15, 2018

Hi @Marcelo Salloum,

Did you ever figure out a way to do this?  I'm in a similar situation.

Marcelo Salloum
June 15, 2018

Not really, @Steve Larmon. I'm not using Jira's sprint reports because of that bad flaw of the platform.

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Daniel Gollas
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July 12, 2021

2021 and this doesn't seem like a thing yet. Seems like a very obvious feature, please let us customize the queries for the reports.

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Marlon Chavarria March 9, 2020

HI @Marcelo Salloum  Did you figure it out? I'm in the same situation here.



Daniele Massimo Isca
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July 8, 2022

Isn’t it enough to create a dedicated board for the report you want, where you set both statuses in the Done column?

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