Should I stop JIRA service before restarting W7 machine?

Everend Thorne February 16, 2012

Should I stop the JIRA (and/or MySQL and/or Confluence) services before restarting the W7 server they are hosted on?

I've also noticed that sometimes JIRA will run an XML backup when the computer restarts but I haven't found any documentation of this behavior so I'm not sure if that backup can be trusted. Can someone point me to the documentation and where/if there is config parameters for this.



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Joe Clark
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 20, 2012

Windows Services are usually given a grace period to shut down cleanly when the host system is shutting down - I think it is somewhere around the 20-30 second mark.

If your JIRA server is excessively large or busy, then the shutdown window may not be long enough to close JIRA cleanly (although if this is case, I would ask why you are running your JIRA server on Windows 7 :-)), otherwise there shouldn't be any problems with letting Windows issue the shutdown command to JIRA all by itself.

Edit: looks like you can configure the timeout value anyway:

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Jo-Anne MacLeod
Rising Star
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February 16, 2012

If possible I would shut every thing down. It just ensures that everything has been properly flushed to the disk.

Everend Thorne February 16, 2012

See that's what I figured but I haven't found any documentation that says to do this.

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Ajay Singh _Appfire_ February 16, 2012

I can give some info on the second part of your question.. JIRA automatic export is controlled by jira.autoexport key inside jpm.xml file inside WEB-INF/classes folder. By default it it set to true. To disable the auto backup, set the value to false.

Hope it helps!

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