Shared Home (jira.shared.home) always shows CLUSTER error during Troubleshooting

Sami Ahmed Shaik
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July 30, 2021

Hello there,


I am trying to configure Jira DC in a test environment. I have followed all the instructions of mentioned in the Jira DC installation document. Following are the details and the issue I am facing


Node1: Windows Server 2016

Shared Home Folder: \\144.X.X.X\dcshared


Node2: Window Server 2016

Shared Home Folder: \\144.X.X.X\dcshared


Load Balancer:

Configured correctly without any issues


DCSHARED is an NFS shared folder (full read/write permissions) and accessible from both servers. 



Both the nodes get boot up without any issues with clustering showing both nodes are ACTIVE

Clustering Status.PNG

But the TROUBLESHOOTING section shows problems with the

CLUSTERS SHARED Folder as follows

Shared Home.PNG


Even the moment when the Jira boots up, nodes create their own folder in a local drive with the shared folder name.


How to solve this issue? 



Sami Ahmed Shaik.



2 answers

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Martin Ujhazi
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October 10, 2023

Hi, I had exactly same issue, but on linux. Problem was very simple, simple copy paste error,

Double check if jira.shared.home is exactly same. I had leading empty space in my cluster config which caused issue.



'\\\144.x.x.x\dcshared '

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Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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July 30, 2021

Hi @Sami Ahmed Shaik  The error suggests that JIRA shared home is incorrectly configured for the reported node. Have you created the file in each node's $JIRA_HOME and it has the value: jira.shared.home set to the same location for all nodes.

Sami Ahmed Shaik
July 31, 2021

@Kishan Sharma,

Thanks for the quick response, yes I have created file in each nodes as mentioned in JIRA DC Installation document. Following are the content


# This ID must be unique across the cluster = node1
# The location of the shared home directory for all Jira nodes
jira.shared.home = \\\144.x.x.x\dcshared

ehcache.listener.hostName = 144.x.x.x

ehcache.listener.port = 40001

ehcache.object.port = 40011



# This ID must be unique across the cluster = node2
# The location of the shared home directory for all Jira nodes
jira.shared.home = \\\144.x.x.x\dcshared

ehcache.listener.hostName = 144.x.x.x

ehcache.listener.port = 40001

ehcache.object.port = 40011


Home Directory.PNG




Sami Ahmed Shaik.

Kishan Sharma
Community Leader
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July 31, 2021

Thanks for the info @Sami Ahmed Shaik  - Few more checks that you do-

- Verify that the existing nodes can write to the shared home and the application user can read files from it. Fix/change permissions as necessary.
- Verify connectivity of shared home by creating a blank file on shared home from other node
- Check that any file system mappings or mounts for the shared home are consistent across each of the JIRA Data Center nodes and all nodes can connect to the shared home.
- Verify if there are any file system permission problems.

In case you are unable to troubleshoot and fix the problem by yourself, please create a support ticket with Atlassian.

Biswa D February 16, 2023

Hi Shami,


I also created file in each node1 and nod2 ans followed the Jira DC document, however in the troubleshooting section in the 1st Jira server- "it is showing that node 2 is not using the correct shared home" and in the 2nd jira server - "it is showing that node1 is not using the correct shared home".

Are you able to fix your issue?

Could anyone please guide on this

Aeris Iu
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July 15, 2024

Hi guys,


I'm facing the same issue here, any workarounds?

Need guidance too.


Thank you.

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