Send email notifications to non-jira users

Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 17, 2011

While it violates the security model of JIRA we have a number of clients that what to send email updates automatically from JIRA to non-jira users. The general use case is some type of internal support system that an external client has some interest in but they do not need the details, just that something is being done. In most cases the email that should be sent is not the stock JIRA notification but some static content.

As I understand it the notification scheme allows one to send emails to an email address, however, if the project doesn't allow anonymous browsing then the notification isn't sent because it is blocked due to permissions.

I'd like to be able to add a list of email addresses in some custom field and have those users notified on issue actions. Any thoughts?



0. By non-jira users I mean email addresses that have no association to JIRA rather than JIRA users that can't log in.

1. I was hoping to capture incoming email addresses via JEMH so that's great. Can you point me at docs? Its been tough wrapping my head around the whole thing. Does JEMH have the ability to send email as well? Ideally I want to send emails based off the address(es) in a custom field to a non-jira user. I thought it just processed incoming mail.

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Andy Brook [Plugin People]
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 17, 2011

Email users who are not able to login to JIRA isn't a violation of the security model. They are prevented from directly logging in and interacting with the JIRA instance, but can still be notified. I haven't seen anything to say otherwise, and is what a lot of people do with JEMH to support 'non real-time, non direct' inclusion in issue lifecycle, eg through email support.

You resolve this situation by creating a group, eg nonjira-users, and crating a user that specifically doest have 'right to ue' JIRA. Adding the nonjira-users group of the project concerned and permission scheme as applicable will enable emails to be sent to those parties.

If you dont want to clutter your environment with lots of users, JEMH also alows routing of email addresses not associated with JIRA users to a nominated custom field for processing, CSV style.

> Does JEMH have the ability to send email as well?

UPDATE now resolved

JEMH 1.2.x now provides all functionality required for this out of the box:

  1. the initial capture of non jira-user email to CSV Custom Field
  2. Integrated IssueEvent listener
  3. custom per-project association for notification
  4. customisable notification templates

I think this now answers the question?

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