ScriptRunner low performance on Multi Node

Eloi Serret July 26, 2024

I'm deploying Jira DC in AKS environment. The fact is that my ScriptRunner Scripts and functions (like copyProject) is running ok when I deploy only one node - CopyProject takes about 4 mins - but when I deploy more than one node, the scripts take so long time to finish - CopyProject takes more than 30 mins - .

I suspect that the problem is related to Cache Syncro but I'm note sure. For sure the resources are not a problem: Memory and CPU is OK, DataBase is Ok, the FileShare is from Premium Storage Account...

Please help me!

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Jim Knepley - ReleaseTEAM
Marketplace Partner
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July 26, 2024

You're right, the Jira index is synchronized across nodes when copying a project. The index lives on the individual nodes, so your node disk performance (specifically IOPS) will make a big difference.

Depending on which disk type you're using now, you might try using Azure ultra disks to see if that helps, then scale back to find the right balance of price and performance.

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