Script Runner Behavior doesn't work in view screen June 27, 2024

I created a script runner behavior to have a single select field display list values based on another field.  The script works in the create or edit screen but if the user chooses to select a different value from the field all the values display for that field.  Does the behavior to have certain values display in a list only work on the create and edit screen?

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Radek Dostál
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June 28, 2024

Behaviours can only work on create and edit screens. That said, trying to edit a field with behaviours on it should open the edit screen so that it can do it's thing (not precisely sure about the precise logic between view/edit but that's my memory of it).


However, you mention that if you choose a different value for field A, then field B values change - which sounds like the behaviour did "something". If the behaviour did not trigger, then the list of values would not change.


You'll need to post a bit more info and how the behaviour is set up to know more though, specifically what field it's attached to, the code, the field types, etc.

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