Require JIRA issue key for a successful commit - Not Working

Deleted user August 31, 2011


I'm currently trying to enable the 'Require JIRA issue key for a successful commit' option within SVN Commit Hooks on JIRA Studio and it doesn't work (yes, I've clicked save several times). I read about the way a commiter must specify the KEY-XX and I'm adding a proper line in the message box when I commit with TortoiseSVN. Still doesn't work.

Am I missing something?

There are not too many steps to follow under this:


6 answers

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Rising Star
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July 18, 2016

JIRA Studio does not exist anymore, but assuming you migrated to Bitbucket Cloud, you can activate this type of check and even smarter commit policies for that.


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Azwandi Mohd Aris
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September 10, 2011

Potential cause of this is Please raise a support ticket with us if you experience such a problem.

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Deleted user August 31, 2011

Hi all, let me clarify this. I'm currently trying to enable the 'Require JIRA issue key for a successful commit' option within SVN Commit Hooks on JIRA Studio. What I'm looking for, is for an error/warning messege when someone tries to commit somthing without specifying a JIRA issue key.

For example, I've tried commiting the file "a.txt" (using tortoiseSVN) without a commit message and I got the file "a.txt" commited without error.

I need people to be able to commit changes just if they have added a valid JIRA issue key.

Hope this helps.


Deleted user August 31, 2011

As Azwandi said, please log a support ticket for this. Looks to be an issue with your instance.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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August 31, 2011

Hi Max,

I'm assuming that you're reporting that you can't see the commit in the JIRA issue, right?

Can you see the Source tab? Not the one in the top of JIRA Studio, but the Source tab that is shown in the issues when you open it.

Maybe, a JIRA re-index would show the commit. But first, I'd check in FISHEYE if the commit has comment with a link to the JIRA key.

If the FIsheEye to JIRA link is right but JIRA is not showing the commit, maybe it can be the case that the Application Link is not correctly set - in this case, you'll need to contact Atlassian Support.


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Azwandi Mohd Aris
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
August 31, 2011

Max, please open a support ticket with us (in case you have not already done so); we can help.

0 votes
Deleted user August 31, 2011

not sure what could be the issue. But did you check the issue key passed was valid. I mean -

  • the key is case sensitive.
  • the issue should exist in JIRA
  • the issue should be open at the time of reference.

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