Product backlog and sprint backlog

Meryam_assali May 22, 2019


I created a workflow in JIRA with the whole statuts needed. 

I tried to configure the board, so I mapped the whole status in the columns. But i can't visualize the tickets in the backlog.

For example : 

In the column "TO DO": I have the status "Ready for developement". So when I create a ticket in the backog it doesn't appear. I guess because it has the status "To do" instead of "Ready of developement".

The problem is that I can't understand the relationship between the mapping status in the columns and the Backlog.

NOTA : I don't have any filter activate.


Could you please give me your opinion about this in order to find the whole tickets in the backlog without changing the statuts in the columns? 


Thank so much in advance.

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Jack Brickey
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May 22, 2019

have you inspected the Column configuration under Board settings? Doing so should explain how the board works. In fact you question seems to convey exactly how your board works.

The way the board works is that you map one status, e.g. To Do to the Backlog. When issues are created in the To Do status they will then appear in the Backlog only. When you move an issue from the backlog to the board they will go to the left-most column in the Board. In your case Ready for Development.

Meryam_assali May 22, 2019

Thank you Jack for your answer. But when i create the ticket , by default, it takes the status "TO DO" so that's why i can't see it in the backlog. In fact, my ticket has a long process after it has been created . It must be validated by business... and once the whole previous steps are validated, I can start my sprint . That's why i configured the column "TO DO" by the the status"Ready for developement".


The ultimate goal of my request is to know how to push the ticket who has the status for eg "Ready for development" in the backlog. I can create it and search it no issue, but once it has a particular status i want it to appear on the backlog. Is that possible? is there any filter which can do this? 


Thank you in advance

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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May 22, 2019

you would need to have Ready for Development in the Backlog column in the board settings > columns


Meryam_assali May 23, 2019

Thank you Jack. I understand better.

In the beginning I didn't understand that the board is linked to what is displayed in the backlog. I thought that they are two independent functionnalities .


The answer was useful. 

Thank you

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