Possible to "unwatch" JIRA issue via link on notificaiton email

Coral Brady
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August 6, 2012

I would like to use JIRA to manage one of our internal processes. However, there are stakeholders who would have to be involved in the process that will not log in to JIRA and will only participate through email.

Is it possible for a user to "unwatch" an issue they are automatically watching via an email link?

This will help to reduce noise for individual issues they are not interested in, and will greatly improve my business case for using JIRA to manage this process.

Thanks in advance for your advice.

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Coral Brady
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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October 14, 2014

Hi Susan, unfortunately we never found a solution and the company has since moved on from using JIRA. Best of luck to you in your search.

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Susan Hauth _Jira Queen_
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October 14, 2014

Hi, We are looking for this feature as well. I see that this question never received any answers? Or did you find a way to manage this?

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