Permissions in Search view

AaryaK September 5, 2011
  1. Issues in JIRA are given permissions that only project roles can view those issues. But when we search for issues it shows the list of all issues in all projects. How can this be avoided & be specific to Project?
  2. Dashboards are shared with project roles only. But when we search for dashboards, the list shows all dashboards even though they are not shared with the user from other porject. How to handle this issue?

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John Chin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
November 13, 2012

Hi aarya,

1. By default, Project Users is associate with jira-users groups. You need to manages groups of users and re-associate with Project Roles in Administration > Users > Roles. For more information, please refer here.

2. After done configure step 1, dashboard problem will be sorted as well.

Hope it helps.



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