Permissions for Project Dropdown

marius.erlenbruch July 8, 2020


we have a project where some users need to select another project from a dropdown when creating a new issue. They should be able to select every single project we have in our Jira.

Which permissions are needed to do this? But we don't want that they can look inside the projects and read the issues etc. They should only be able to select the projects from a dropdown.

I already tried the "browse permissions" for the default permission scheme, but then they can read everything in all projects. I don't know if it's even possible to set the permissions like we would need it.


Thanks in advance!



3 answers

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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July 8, 2020

The project picker can do this, but for a project to appear in it, a user must have "browse project" permission to see that project.  Otherwise you have a security hole.

marius.erlenbruch July 8, 2020

And if they have the permission "browse project" they can see everything inside the project, right?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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July 8, 2020


marius.erlenbruch July 8, 2020

Okay, thank you for clarification.

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Matthew Challenger June 9, 2023

We have a similar need, but for user-picker dropdowns. This seems a little short-sighted. I don't consider this a security hole, because it's not granting access to anything. This is from a reporting/tracking perspective.

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Rising Star
Rising Star
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July 8, 2020

Hello Marius


Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no easy way to do this.

Actually I do not think there is or there has ever been a way to add to a screen a drop down with all the jira projects. Imagine, some Jira instances have hundreds of projects, it would soon get out of control.

I think the only solution would be creating a drop down field and create an option for each one of the projects in it, and of course keep it updated.

Your request reminds me of a similar thing I had to do once (for a project where people would ask for access to one or more other projects) and I figured out a couple of solutions, but always using a customized dropdown. 

May be if you want to describe a bit better what you want to achieve, there could be more possibilities.

Let us know!

marius.erlenbruch July 8, 2020

Hey Mirco,

thanks for the fast answer!

I was expecting this :-) We have over thousand projects, so handling this (adding each project to a custom dropdown and keep it up to date) manually would be no option.

We have a project from our finance department and they use it to track and document the costs of all other projects. Therefore they need to create issues and select the project in a dropdown for which they need to calculate costs. They don't need any access to the selected project itself, they just need to select it in the dropdown.

Screenshot 2020-07-08 at 09.54.12.png

Hope you understand what I mean.

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