No gadget in trial version

Ethan Dai January 3, 2019

I am installing trial version of Jira then i realised that there are only two gadgets for my dashboard. Please see below. Even i waited all the loading to finish, I can only see two gadgets. what shall i do? i need gadgets such as "activity stream" "issues assigned to me " etc.

Configure System Dashboard - Jira.png

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Jack Brickey
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January 3, 2019

That’s strange. I would have expected the trial to include access to all gadgets. I’m assuming you are using cloud here. I would have expected there to be a link that says load all gadgets. I noted that there is a manage gadgets link in your image have you checked what that results in when selected?

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 3, 2019

It should eventually load all of them, but sometimes, it fails.  Trial systems are the same as full systems, there's no functionality turned off during a trial.  Sometimes you just have to wait, sometimes a refresh can help.  You mostly get this message when a Jira has been restarted and it hasn't loaded any of the gadget plugins into memory yet.

(Interesting spelling mistake in the warning message too, as an aside)

Ethan Dai January 3, 2019

hi all, i can confirm nothing loaded in the end only the two. the manage gadgets link only shows a blank list.

Jack Brickey
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January 3, 2019

TThat is odd for sure. Just for grins did you try another browser? If so and the problem persists I would refer you to Atlassian Support.

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Cheng Yiu fai
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September 17, 2019

I have encountered same issue. Any conclusion that can be reference?

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