Need to add customised label if a custom field has value

Naveen kumar December 4, 2024


I have created a scripted custom field and if the field is not empty i want Incident to be added as label in the ticket along with other labels and if its empty i want No_Incident to be added in the ticket. I have tried my best to create the script using behaviours but none of them works. can you helpme with the script please. I have script runner and dont have jira automation plugin.



import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FieldBehaviours
import groovy.transform.BaseScript


@BaseScript FieldBehaviours fieldBehaviours
def customFieldA = getFieldById("customfield_25202")  
def customFieldValue = customFieldA.getValue()


def labelsField = getFieldByName("Labels")
if (customFieldValue ) {
} else {
This script is not working , not sure where it went wrong

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Tuncay Senturk
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December 4, 2024

Hi @Naveen kumar 

I don't know what you're seeing when you run the code but I'd change it as below to update labels without overwriting existing ones.


def customFieldA = getFieldById("customfield_25202") 
def labelsField = getFieldByName("Labels")

def customFieldValue = customFieldA.getValue()
def existingLabels = labelsField.getValue() as List ?: []

if (customFieldValue) {
if (!existingLabels.contains('Incident')) {
// Remove 'No_incident' if present
} else {
if (!existingLabels.contains('No_incident')) {
// Remove 'Incident' if present



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