Log to JIRA opening a new window from my website having the credentials

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January 2, 2019


I have a website in where the user's JIRA credentials are different from the website credentials, but are stored in the Data Base. With the JIRA credentials the website was letting the user access the JIRA Organisation instance in a new window without asking the credentials and taking them from the DB. The link to the new window was this way:


But now days if I use this link it fowards me to this link:


I have read this tutorial for Oauth and viewed the JAVA code in Bitbucket but the functionality is based in creating an access to obtain data from JIRA, and I only need to open a new window with the user automaticaly logged in like a SSO effect.

Can someone please give me a light on how to do this now days and if it's possible.

Thank you very much.


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