Lock task board to current fixversion

Tony Tony
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October 4, 2011

This drives me crazy!

So I'm in Greenhopper Task Board, and i have a fixVersion set so I am looking at our current sprint. Let's say i find a low priority card that I don't think we are going to get to but will get to in the next sprint.I select the card, drop down the menu of fixversion, and select a new version.

At this point, the view that I have selected should stay put, because I am trying to manage that current sprint.

Instead what Greenhopper does, which is nuts, is move my entire view to the new fixversion that i switched that card to... so I am no longer looking at my current sprint, but rather the sprint that i just moved that card to.

I realize that I probably could do this in the planning board, but I'm task boardin' dammit!

Anyone else frustrated by this?

thanks ya'll

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Wojciech Seliga
Rising Star
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November 3, 2011

Yes - I am frustrated too. But I really think that's better and more effective to raise such (very reasonable BTW) improvement request on jira.atlassian.com in GreenHopper project and let other people comment and/or vote. I think we should not turn answer.atlassian.com into another place where we ask for improvements or whine ;)

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