Linking An Idea Ticket to a Delivery Ticket Fails to Trigger Automation Rule

Ali Ishaq
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January 7, 2025

I am trying to create an automation rule that is based on the linking of a Jira Product Discovery board Idea ticket to a Jira Epic or Story. My goal is:


When Issue is Linked by type Polaris datapoint issue link, Polaris issue link

For Destination Issue

Then Edit Issue Security Level


Here is my current automation configuration:



The automation works only if I add the link from the Jira project Story/Epic ticket, as shown below.



However, my main use case is going into Jira Product Discovery to link to an existing ticket in a Jira Software Project, as shown below.



This does not kick off my automation, because the link type is not one of the ones defined in the automation, as shown below.



Is there an rule that will allow me to update my automation to handle the link being initiated from the Product Discovery board?

2 answers

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Bill Sheboy
Rising Star
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January 8, 2025

Hi @Ali Ishaq -- Welcome to the Atlassian Community!

With the issue linked trigger, and a type of Polaris issue link (i.e., implements or is implemented by) the rule will trigger from two possible scopes:

  • A rule defined in the software project with single-project scope, although it will not be able to access the details of the JPD idea.
  • A rule defined in the global rules list with a multiple-project (or global) scope, and it will be able to access all issues involved.


Apparently there was a design decision that because JPD ideas could also link to other ideas (or issues with other link types) that the Delivery Ticket linking feature would not fire the Issue Linked event for rules.


Kind regards,

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Mart Postma
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January 8, 2025

Hi @Ali Ishaq 

It is relatively new that Ideas are shown like that on the Jira side.

If I remember correctly, previously the Polaris issue link types used to link JPD issues with their delivery tickets, where:

  • "is implemented by"
  • "implements"

It's been a while since I used this in my automation rules, so not sure if this is still accurate and whether it can actually be used. But might be worth a try.

Ali Ishaq
I'm New Here
I'm New Here
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January 8, 2025

Yes so that works only if I initiate the link from the Jira ticket. If I initiate the link by "Linking to Existing Ticket" in JPD's Delivery ticket view, then the automation will NOT be kicked off.

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