Kanban Board swimlanes grouped by Epics, following story and their sub tasks

Ruggero Indino
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March 4, 2019
In the Board Setting I can setup swim lanes either on Epics or Stories. Unfortunately when a story has multiple tasks and their been worked simultaneously, it looks like a mess. Which task belongs to a story? How am I able to set a swim lane of Epic, the a further one with the story belonging to the Epic and as last show the tasks of the individual story which are being worked on. So 2 horizontal lines on the Kanban board 1st Epic, 2nd associated story. It would be way more organized for the team stand ups!

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I'm New Here
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March 3, 2021

I also am looking for this, did you guys find a solution yet?

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Marco Massarotto
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March 18, 2019

Hi Ruggero, I have the same question! 

It would be useful to know the QUERY associated to the standard configurations of the SWIMLINES that JIRA named "Epics" and "Story". By this, we maybe could edit the QUERY and find our own way. But, I am unable to find it.

There is an article here, but it does not solve our question: https://confluence.atlassian.com/jirasoftwarecloud/configuring-swimlanes-764478010.html

Can anyone give a more experienced help?

Thank you,

Steve Larsen July 23, 2019

I need the same information, we are using Themes as our top-level organizational unit so need the same grouping that is used by the built-in Epic filter but for Epics and Themes or better still Themes->Epics->Stories

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