Jira tab's don't work

Anni R October 13, 2011


Why is it so, if Jira project issue which consist differents tab's don't open. I try to press the tab but nothing will happend. I use IE8 browser (8.0.6001.18702CO). In Mozilla it works.

Could it be casued by IE settings?Which ones?

Any ideas???

3 answers

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Deborah Hansen January 15, 2012

This is what I'm currently sharing out - Watching this incase you find something better...

The current workaround ( press F12, change it to IE9 standard for IE9 browser or IE8 standards for IE8 browser) only work for current IE instance, if I close all IE window and restart it again, I have to reset the browser mode for jira site again.


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Rising Star
Rising Star
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January 15, 2012

Which version of JIRA are you running? There are a few issues with IE8 (like this one) that are similar to what you are describing, but not quite right. With the JIRA version I can narrow my serach...you can also search for a bug report at the above site.

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Lucas Molenaar
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
October 17, 2011

Are you sure you are logged in? (and not in read-only/guest mode)

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