Jira Table

Desmond Ng May 18, 2023

Hi, I'm adding a Jira table into a Confluence page.

It lists all my issue status on the x-axis.  However they are not presented in the correct sequence, eg. Dev > Done > New > Backlog > Failed > SIT etc ...

How do I order it correctly eg. Backlog > Discovery > Dev > SIT etc?

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Trudy Claspill
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May 19, 2023

Hello @Desmond Ng 

Welcome to the Atlassian community.

Can you provide an image of what you are seeing? I suspect the issue can be corrected by your Jira Administrator reordering the global order for Status values, but I can't confirm that without seeing what you are viewing.

Desmond Ng
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May 21, 2023

Hi Trudy,

Thanks for your help.  Attached is a table I was referring to.  You would know that my SIT precedes UAT, and Done as the final status.  However are all in the wrong order.  Thanks in advance!

Screen Shot 2023-05-21 at 7.02.58 PM.png

Trudy Claspill
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May 21, 2023

I don't have a gadget like that available in my Confluence instance but that may be because I am using Confluence Cloud or that gadget comes from a third party app.

However, I suspect that the status are being shown in order from left to right in the same order they are arranged in on the page where Jira Administrators define Status values. 

This page talks about how to navigate to that page and reorder the Statuses.


Desmond Ng May 22, 2023

Thank you Trudy!

Trudy Claspill
Community Leader
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May 22, 2023

Did my advice lead to a solution for your issue?

Desmond Ng May 22, 2023

Not yet, checking with my colleague who has Global Admin rights.

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