Jira Slowness

Ponnappan Ganapathiya May 20, 2024

Did anyone face issues with slowloading in jira issue screen. The overall health of the system looking good. Only while loading a jira issue screen either from a board/history it keep loading until timeout.

Primary suspects:

1. Xray test plugin which taking time to load

2. AjaxIssueEditAction!default.jspa? seeing this network panel which holds more time


Can someone help on this.?

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May 20, 2024

@Ponnappan Ganapathiya 

it is something I experienced many times with different companies.

  • Did you check the GC?
  • I know it is hard to disable a plugin in Production but do you have a test instance that mimics Prod and see if you are experiencing the same problem. If yes try to disable the plugins. Also check system requirements for the 2 plugins you have some suspicions about.




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