Jira Filter: Recently updated filter with comments

Yhan Masuyo June 21, 2021


I would like to know how to create a filter where i have a ticket not been updated for the last 5 days with comments.

I wrote for updated date " AND updated <= -5d " but Jira considers a status update also a reassign of a ticket or an update from "in progress" to "Pending" because it is mentioned as a comment of an action that happened.

In my case i want a filter to show tickets that havent been updated last 5 days with comments showing progress.

Is this possible?

I also noticed that when someone changes a status for example from "in progress" to "pending" it is generating a comment like this : Yhan Masuyo made changes - 07/Jun/2021 08:20:06PM +0200 but if someone trully comments with his work it then shows Yhan Masuyo added a comment - 07/Jun/2021 08:20:06PM +0200 .

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Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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June 21, 2021

Hi @Yhan Masuyo  Welcome to Atlassian Community!

You need a script runner plugin for this, it's specific to a JQL function. Without Script Runner plugin you won't get the correct result.  

issueFunction in lastComment("before -5d")




Yhan Masuyo June 21, 2021

Hi Vikrant,

It mentions "To search by issueFunction please switch to advanced."

I switch to advanced and i add in place of AND updated <= -5d

the line you mention above issueFunction in lastComment("before -5d")

Maybe im doing it wrong cause i get red letters: Unable to find JQL function 'lastComment(before -5d)'.

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Vikrant Yadav
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June 21, 2021

Hi @Yhan Masuyo In order to use IssueFunction Script Runner plugin must be installed in your JIRA instance. Then only it works. 



Yhan Masuyo June 22, 2021

Thank you Vikrant.

I have issuefunction but not lastcomment.

I added AND issueFunction not in commented("after -5d")

Seems to work and presents me all the tt's that do not have a comment for 5 days.

still i check it.

Vikrant Yadav
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
June 22, 2021

Hi @Yhan Masuyo  Wow that's great. Script Runner installed in your instance.

You can generate correct result using Issuefunction now. Kindly check below links , having all JQL method based on Comment. 




Shahzad Iqbal August 8, 2022


I have used the following JQL query to return Tickets last updated within 5 hours by myself


project = ABC AND updated >= -5h

Records Return = 17


which are Right as I had updated them in following areas

  • Added Comments on Tickets
  • Changed Status of Ticket from In Progress to Closed etc. 
  • Added Category on Tickets
  • Done assignment of Tickets 


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