Jira Enhancements..How to do it..Please help

Bisakha Chakraborty
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August 11, 2011

Please let me know how can we make enhancements/Customizations in Jira basedon Business requirements...Please provide me some documents if you all have any...

Help will be reallly appreciated

3 answers

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Atlassian Team
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August 11, 2011

JIRA provides a complex plugin system that extends most of the functionality of JIRA. You can write plugins to do almost anything which is really exciting but it comes with a cost of a high complexity.

A good place to start learning how to write plugins for JIRA is http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DEVNET/Writing+your+first+plugin.

1 vote
Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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August 11, 2011

There's two answers to this question

  1. This is a completely open ended question that we simply can't answer without you telling us details
  2. See http://lmgtfy.com/?q=jira

I know that's a bit sarcastic, so here's the middle ground: Go read the documentation, set up a test system and play with it to see if you can make it do what you need. If you get stuck, the please do ask, but give us a rough idea of what you need and what you've got.

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Tom Moors
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August 11, 2011

You can also try to find a partner who can help you with the implementation or can consult you to quickly get on track. As stated before, there are a lot of possibillities and it can be quite overwhelming.

You can search for local partners in the Partner Directory: (http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/APW/Partner+Search).

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