Jira Core 9.6.0 compatible with Tomcat 9.0.81?

Darren Zuiderweg October 19, 2023

Having trouble getting specific information about Tomcat versions that Jira 9.6.0 is compatible with. We have a 9.6 version of Jira running and we need to update Tomcat to at least version 9.0.81 and would like to make sure we won't have any major issue doing so. Any experience with that combination?  

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Florian Bonniec
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October 19, 2023

Hi @Darren Zuiderweg 


It may work but Atlassian do not support it. They will support the version bundled with JIRA.

Bundled Tomcat and Java versions | Atlassian Support | Atlassian Documentation

They also documented a bit the upgrade process.

How to upgrade Apache Tomcat version used by Jira | Jira | Atlassian Documentation



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