Jenkins Webhook in JIRA

sanyamarora December 2, 2021

When I'm calling the Jenkins job with build parameters as Epic Name in Automation Rule, I'm getting Forbidden 403 response code due to crumb issue. 

I'm giving webhook as : https://{jenkins-url}/job/{job-name}/buildWithParameters?HOST={{issue.key}}&token={apiToken}

In the headers, I'm passing Authorization: Base 64 of username:apiToken

Jenkins-Crumb: {value}

Can anyone help me on this?

1 answer

1 vote
David Jose Silva Ruiz January 13, 2022


this is the way I made it work.... hope this helps.


Remember it's a POST request, so the params need to be defined as custom data

harini kiruba
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May 26, 2023

I have the same issue, but I'm trying to trigger automation using automation rule from JIRA to trigger in gitlabs and getting same 403 access forbidden error. Can anyone please help me.


Webhook URL - https://<gitlab URL>/api/v4/projects/<projected>/trigger/pipeline

HTTP method and webrequest same given in the above screenshot by @David Jose Silva Ruiz custom data value I gave as 

token=<project_accesstoken created in gitlabs settings>&ref=<branchname>&variables[TESTPLAN]={{issue.key}}

Maximiliano Javier Julio May 20, 2024

Hi @David Jose Silva Ruiz 

What information did you put in the header Authorization and Content-type?

In the body, {apiToken} do you add the API Token of your Jira account?

Have you made an additional configuration in Jenkins?


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