JRASERVER-5443 addressed the Oldest to Newest sort order. Where is this setting stored per user?
I know the jira.issue.action.order is defaulted in the system to be either asc or desc.
JRASERVER-5443 says it is now stored in a user profile. Does this exist as a setting stored in the JIRA database someplace or is it stored in a browser setting (example somewhere in Firefox, chrome, etc....)
I know where a user can change the setting in the comments but once they do change the setting of the sort order, exactly where is this setting stored for each user.
We are currently on JIRA Data Center 9.4.14 and we are in the process of upgrading to JIRA Data Center 9.12.14 and we need a way to track what each user has set this too.
I found it after I posted the question:
, p.entity_name
, p.entity_id
, p.property_key
, p.propertytype
, case
when p.propertytype in (1, 2, 3) then concat('', n.propertyvalue)
when p.propertytype = 4 then concat('', c.propertyvalue)
when p.propertytype = 5 then concat('', s.propertyvalue)
when p.propertytype = 6 then concat('', cast(t.propertyvalue as varchar(255)))
when p.propertytype = 7 then concat('', d.propertyvalue)
--when p.propertytype in (8, 9, 10, 11) then concat('', x.propertyvalue)
else '?'
end as propertyvalue,
from jiradb2.dbo.propertyentry p
left join jiradb2.dbo.propertynumber n
on p.propertytype in (1, 2, 3)
and n.id = p.id
left join jiradb2.dbo.propertydecimal c
on p.propertytype in (4)
and c.id = p.id
left join jiradb2.dbo.propertystring s
on p.propertytype in (5)
and s.id = p.id
left join jiradb2.dbo.propertytext t
on p.propertytype in (6)
and t.id = p.id
left join jiradb2.dbo.propertydate d
on p.propertytype in (7)
and d.id = p.id
-- left join jiradb2.dbo.propertydata x
-- on p.propertytype in (8, 9, 10, 11)
-- and x.id = p.id
left outer join jiradb2.dbo.app_user au
on au.id = p.ENTITY_ID
lower(p.property_key) like lower('%user.issue.comments%') /* REPLACE SEARCH TERM HERE */
--OR lower(p.entity_name) like lower('%applicationuser%') /* REPLACE SEARCH TERM HERE, TOO */
order by
p.property_key ASC;
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