JIRA Studio: Security + External CVS questions

John Aitken August 11, 2011

Am new to JIRA (still deciding whether to go for internal hosting or the Atlassian hosted version for all apps).

Two questions have come up:

  1. Are there any known technical or process issues between JIRA Studio (Atlassian hosted) and using CVS (on our own network)?
  2. For JIRA Studio (Atlassian hosted) what type of security is used by the hosting company. For example, is it possible to block ip addresses?

Appreciate your assistance!


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May 16, 2013

Let me answer both questions:

1. Yes, but you have to setup a Fisheye installation that will handle both, your SVN repos and the JIRA connection.

2. All connections to Atlassian OnDemand are made using SSL, however, customers don't have the possibility to block ip addresses.


Lucas Lima

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