Issues created into my Backlog do not appear in the Backlog.

Bill_Marshall_wintriss_com February 16, 2019

When I create an issue into my Backlog, it does not appear.  I can only see 4 issues but no more new ones that I try to add.  What is wrong?Newly Created Issues in the Backlog don't Appear in Backlog.jpg

1 answer

2 votes
Claudiu Lionte
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
February 16, 2019

Hi Bill,

Most likely the board's filter is filtering out the issues that you just created. Please check the filter by clicking the 3-dots at the top-right → Board Settings and look for the filter JQL. Perhaps it contains only certain issue types and you are creating a different one, or maybe other queries are filtering out the new issues.


Bill_Marshall_wintriss_com February 16, 2019



Hi Claudiu,

I don't fully follow you answer but I check the filter JQL.  See screen shot.  How can it be so complicated that I can't even add to the Backlog?  Very frustrating.

What else can I try?  Can you access my project and take a look around? 



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