Issue type dropdown missing values

Nikhil July 4, 2022

Few issuetypes are missing from issue type screen scheme to the issue creation dropdown. Can someone suggest possible reason?

All new issue types created are visible in the screen scheme and not on issue create drop down.

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Tom Lister
Community Leader
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July 4, 2022

Hi @Nikhil 

Check that your required issue types are mapped in the projects Issue Type Screen mapping scheme and the Workflow Issue Type Scheme





Nikhil July 4, 2022

Hey Tom,
Yes, they are visible under issuetype screen as well as in the workflow scheme. I did attach workflows to it. However, when I create a ticket, I don't see it in the dropdown list.

It is really strange to see them missing.

Nikhil July 4, 2022

Also, no Behaviors running to restrict them. have checked them thoroughly. It is happening in both Prod and Non-Prod environments.

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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July 4, 2022

Are you able to share a screenshot of the projects issue type scheme and the create issue dropdown?

Nikhil July 4, 2022

Here are the screenshots

Nikhil July 4, 2022

Issuetype scheme.JPGWorkflow.JPGIssue create screen.JPG

Tom Lister
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
July 4, 2022

Thanks @Nikhil 

That's a long list :-)

Jira dropdowns limit the number of results shown. Try typing WAF into the issue type field and see if a subset is then displayed.

Nikhil July 4, 2022

I did try that and that was not the case. There was a script runner infact, that was working strangely. Found fix by adding these 2 issuetypes there. Thanks for your support guys!!

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