Issue to stay with Reporter

David Stokes (
July 12, 2011

We have some issues where a user is recording them in Jira and once they have actioned them, they are simply closed once completed. So I have created a simple 2-step workflow which is made up of 2 steps: Open (which is created by default) and Closed. And the user can toggle the issue between Open and Closed by simply clicking on Close and Reopen respectively. And the issue stays only with the person who created the issue, ie: the reporter.

This issue type sits alongside other issue types in the same project. But the problem is that when you create an issue of this type, the issue is automatically assigned to the project lead, which isn't what I want in this case - it should simply be assigned to the reporter. I thought I could handle this in the transistion between the steps be having a post-function that would assign the issue to the reporter, over riding the assign to the Project Lead. However, this only occurs once the issue is transitioned, which doesn't happen in the creation step - only once the user clicks on a transition, which by that point it's too late - the issue has gone to the Project Lead.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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Alexander Evert
July 12, 2011

Hi, all workflows in JIRA have initial transition Transition: Create, to access this transition click on first step (Open in your case) and select Create in workflow browser there you can add post function Assign to Reporter.

David Stokes (
July 12, 2011

Thanks - it's a bit hidden out of the way, but now I know.

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