Issue Collector: Can we add a field "Label" and custom filed of type "Label"

Raja Shekher
Rising Star
Rising Star
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March 27, 2019

Dear Team,


Can we add a field "Label" and custom filed of type "Label" to the JIRA Issue Collector Form?


Warm Regards,


2 answers

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Raja Shekher
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
March 27, 2019

Hi Kiran,


Thank you for your reply.

I have tried the above option but unable to add a "Label" or Custom field of type "Label" to the Issue collector form.


Also the documentation says - Custom Field Types: Date Time, Radio Buttons, Multi-Checkbox, Multi-Select, Number, Select List, URL field, Version Picker, Cascading Select, Project Picker, Single Version Picker, Text Field, Free Text Field can be added.


Have you tried adding it from your end?


Warm Regards,


Brad Martin June 12, 2019

Did you ever figure out how to add labels to a Jira Issue Collector?

Manuel Bähnisch July 3, 2019

Hi Brad,

just stumbeld over several of your comments regarding adding labels in Issue Collectors as I was about to do the same. Unfortunatly I also found this ticket: JRASERVER-32070 stating that its not going to happen. I was also hoping to add labels to the ticket.

So far I found out that creating a customfield of type Label doesn't help much either. Since its a customfield all labels themselves are accessed via id. Thus the user would have to add the id for the Issue Collector to match it properly. The only option i see (so far) is to just add a basic textfield or int as a customfield and populate it accordingly. Then the Jira workflow or User (manually) would have to make something out of it.

My initial idea was to use the same Issue Collector on several Confluence webpages (with anonymous access) to add tickets. Not mentioning possible security issues due to a missing captcha. If each confluence page would use its own id I could list all tickets regarding that page on the bottom using the jira macro. 

Now, I'll probably let the jira user decide which label (i. e. page) that ticket belongs to and let him set the label which then lists the ticket on the appropriate page - if that makes any sense. In addition I will track the link of the confluence page to help with that.

In case you had other ideas in the meantime, let me know.


0 votes
Kiran Majeed March 27, 2019

Hey you can find information on  adding a custom field and also adding label to the Issue Collector form by following the link below:


Once you configure these you will need to do following  to show on the collector form:

  • Go to Jira settings >>Custom fields
  • Find your custom field
  • Click on the 3 dots ...
  • Select configure >> Edit configuration
  • In "Choose applicable Context" select the project you want your field to appear in.
  • Go to your project
  • Edit issue collector
  • Select the field so it shows on the  issue collector form

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