Is there any way to import Comments on Issues seperately via CSV?

Sam Alexander November 3, 2011

In our current tracking system, which was developed in-house, we have an area to add multiple Comments to Issues similar to how Jira does it, but on the import it assumes each comment will be setup as a seperate column in the CSV. Some of our comments are VERY long and some Issues have many comments so it's rather impractical to have all this fed into a single row in the CSV file.

So is there any way to import the comments into for Issues after the Issues ahve already been setup? I know the import csv file can point to a project, but what about an issue? Also I found the tables in the database that contain the comments, but I've read many places that it's not suggested to import data directly into the database.

Thanks for any advise...

Sam Alexander

1 answer

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Bob Swift (personal)
Rising Star
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November 3, 2011

You can use the JIRA Command Line Interface to script adding comments to issues using addComment. Or create a CSV with a column for the issue key and one for the comment and use runFromCsv action.

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