Is there a way to sync only specific group of LDAP to jira-user group?

Rising Star
Rising Star
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December 20, 2011

Can you configure ldap to jira by syncing only specific group of LDAP to jira-user group?

1 answer

3 votes
Tom Moors
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 3, 2012

Yes, you can!

In the configuration of the User Directory, you can specify group filters. Only the groups that pass this filter, will be synced with Jira.

To create such a filter, you can create a default LDAP query. To get you started, you can look over here:

If the question is still valid nowadays, feel free to ask for more indepth instructions!



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