Is there a way to keep the stock formatting on a version field that'ss been custom sorted/filtered

Corey Leighton December 5, 2022

In one of our projects, we do a lot of custom sorting and filtering on some of the version fields... an example is that we have a '.X' version that is used early in a workflow as a placeholder... i.e 7.X.  Later in the workflow we force the defect to commit to a 'real' version and we also filter out the fake version options. 

This works as intended, but an unfortunate side-effect iof using setFieldOptions() appears to strip all formatting away. including the nicely-fomatted 'Released' and 'Unreleased' headers in the version field's drop down screen.  

Its simple enough to replicate how it sorts the versions by release status, but what I DO lose is the Released/Unreleased headings and formatting.  Is there a way to retain this formatting (like how we can use convertToSingleSelect() to manipulate a text field.)?


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Ram Kumar Aravindakshan _Adaptavist_
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October 20, 2023

Hi @Corey Leighton

Were you able to solve this issue?

Thank you and Kind regards,


Corey Leighton February 6, 2024

(Sorry, just saw the notifiaction) No, not yet.  I would still love to be able to maintain the 'Released' vs 'Unreleased' grouping.

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