Is there a report that pulls all tickets under IN PROGRESS column of a Kanban board with assignee?

Anna Litz January 3, 2019

I am new to Jira and recently created a Kanban board to start plugging away at an immense backlog our developers must work through... I am needing a quick report that will show me -ALL tickets under the IN PROGRESS column of the board,

-the assignee,

-date created (if possible),

-date Progress started (if possible).

1 answer

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Jack Brickey
Community Leader
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January 3, 2019

You can easily create a filter (example below) and set up a subscription for the filter to run say daily.

project = abc and status = "in progress"

be sure to add the desired columns when you run the search and save it.

Anna Litz January 3, 2019

Thanks... I set up a filter for this option in the board, but when applied, it only shows the board with the IN PROGRESS populated with tix.... I'm looking for a way to extract this to an excel that will give me details I outlined in my initial post... Any additional feedback you can give would be most appreciated.

Jack Brickey
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
January 3, 2019

@Anna Litz, sorry that I was not clear. You don't want to use this filter to define the board. You want to save this filter as a unique filter and then create a subscription to it. Follow the below steps:

  1. go to the Search issues screen
  2. use either basic or advanced to create the filter and perform the search
  3. tweak the columns displayed to meet your needs along w/ any ordering you wish to make
  4. save the filter
  5. click on the Details link at the top of the filter results and then on New subscription
  6. define your desired interval for the subscription and save it

This will result in you and anyone else you add to the subscription receiving an email in accordance with the subscription settings. Now if you wish to export to CSV you can do that as well from the filter results page via the export button. Unsure what your needs are in that regard. Finally, you may find it useful to use the saved filter on a dashboard. In this way you can easily see the latest by simply navigating to the dashboard.

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