Is it possible to integrate Jira with WebSVN?

Tom Isaacson November 20, 2011

I can get Jira to see my Subversion repository but we're using WebSVN and all I can find about integrating this suggests it's not possible:

However, this is from 2008 - has there been any change since then?


3 answers

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Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
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November 20, 2011

It should be possible by modfiying the command strings where the repository is defined. You will need to look at the command line arguments for websvn and look at the Jira documentation about the substitution variables.

Something like this could work for you with modifications to mycompany and websvn version information.

# WebClient for SVN (2.0)

Tom Isaacson November 20, 2011

Thanks, this works once modified (I also had to change the repository name from "source"). I had to add another link for View:${path}

1 vote
Oleg Burmistrov October 18, 2012

If anyone by any chance come here here are the paths we've used with current versions of WebSVN:

Changeset Format: https:// <svnpath>/<websvncontext>/listing.php?repname=<you_svn_rep_name>&peg=${rev}
File Added Format: https:// <svnpath>/<websvncontext>/listing.php?repname=<you_svn_rep_name>&path=${path}&peg=${rev}&sc=0
File Modified Format: https:// <svnpath>/<websvncontext>/listing.php?repname=<you_svn_rep_name>&path=${path}&peg=${rev}&sc=0
File Replaced Format: https:// <svnpath>/<websvncontext>/listing.php?repname=<you_svn_rep_name>&path=${path}&peg=${rev-1}&sc=0
File Deleted Format: https:// <svnpath>/<websvncontext>/listing.php?repname=<you_svn_rep_name>&path=${path}&peg=${rev-1}&sc=0

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Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
November 21, 2011

It is possible as above, however you should take the patch that allows you to use the repo name as a parameter to avoid hard-coding it as in Norman's example, think it's this one:

Not a big deal if you have one or two repos but if you have thousands like some svn users it's a must-have.

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