Is it possible to create an user that can only see a dashboard wihout seeing all issues

M April 24, 2014

Hi there,

I want to create a user that can only see a specific dashboard wihtout seeing all issues ( browse project).

I do not use issue security.

This user so need a connexion, but if i give him the browse project permission, he can serach all issues.

Thanks in advance.

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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
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April 24, 2014

You are trying to set up a nonsensical position. If you simplify what you are saying, it comes out as "I want a user to see X but he must not be allowed to see X". A user can either see the issues in the project or he can not. You need to decide whether he should see the issues or not. If he can't, then he can't see the data on the dashboard because he can't see the issues.

Note that even if you do use issue security, you will find the dashboard results will only display information based on what the user can see.

M April 24, 2014

Hi Nic,

Yes, i well understand, thanks. But, consider that i need to share a dashboard with read only user, for example, a list of issues for a issuetype. So, i give him 'Browse Project' permission, he can see the dashboard, perfect. But, if he goes in the search tool or Menu 'Search issue', he can see all issues ( no security setup).

So i wanted to create in fact a user who can connect directly on his dashboard and cannot do anything else( no search, no query), but it does not exist, or maybe there is another way?

Thanks again for your help !

Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
April 24, 2014

No, you can't do that. A user with access to Jira can use it.

You can make them read-only of course, by not putting them in any groups or roles that allow them to make changes.

But to get a report on a set of issues out, whether it's by search, dashboard, export or whatever, the user MUST be able to see the issues they are reporting on.

I'd question the need to restrict them too - it's pretty pointless blocking them from using Jira, there's no benefit to it at all. You can train them by saying "here's a Jira dashboard, you probably don't need to look at the rest of it". You could also drag the Jira gadgets off the dashboard and into another gadget enabled application (like confluence), but they'll still be able to get into Jira.

M April 24, 2014

Ok, really thanks Nic, it is clear now for me !

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