Is it normal for Sprint field to show past sprints too?

Pavel Boev January 3, 2019


I don't remember if the Sprint field in Jira Software always behaved like that or it changed in recent update, but now it contains all previous sprints, in which the issue was added, before being completed.

It looks like this on the Issue View screen

Sprints.PNGIn the Agile Pane I can see the active sprint and completed sprints

Agile pane.PNG

I may be wrong but shouldn't the Sprint field contain only the current sprint, while the previous sprints where the issue was to be stored in a separate place?


Thanks in advance,


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Jason Walther January 3, 2019

Hi Pavel,


we are running 2 Jira Servers, 1 with Version 7.13 (newest version) and an old one with version 6.2.7.

Both behave the same way like you described.

So I think this is the standar behaviour of Jira.

I don't know if you can change this.




Pavel Boev January 3, 2019


I guess I didn't have that many stories, that get transferred from sprint to sprint to notice this behavior.

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