Is Centos Server OS - supported for JIRA & Confluence

Rising Star
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January 5, 2012

Hi All

I see at the following documentation that Linux/Solaris is supported

I do not know if Centos is supported.

Please let me know.



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Nic Brough -Adaptavist-
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January 5, 2012

Centos is Linux, and hence yes, it's supported

To be a bit more clear, Centos is a Linux distribution, of which there are now thousands. I wouldn't be surprised if Atlassian were to go into a bit more detail and refuse to support the more obscure ones. (Heck, I've made my own distribution, I wouldn't expect them to support that at all, as it's only running on 2 computers). But even then, Centos would be really high on their list. The "biggest" distributions are Ubuntu and Red Hat (Red Hat is preferred by corporations and for server based work, Ubuntu is generally aimed slightly more at end users). Centos and Fedora are the closest you can get to Red Hat without being Red Hat. So it's very well supported.

My current client runs Red Hat for all it's production servers (and their website is large and heavily used), and we use Centos as a development base. We've never had "it runs on Centos, but does something different on Red Hat"

Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
January 5, 2012

Thanks Nic. I guess I will go the Centos.

So if I get into any issues with JIRA, I hope Atlassian support will support it. Do not want to be surprised if they say we did not write anywhere that we support Centos.

I know Atlassian support rocks ...

BTW what is the best performing combination JIRA+RedHat / JIRA + UBuntu / JIRA+Windows

0 votes
GilesG January 5, 2012

Hi Abe and Nic,

Just to clarify the situation (and as you correctly deduced Nic), we do support CentOS. In fact, it's the flavour of Linux we use to test the JIRA installer on:

I've clarified this on our Supported Platforms page.



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