Importing SVN repository to Jira

TonyD November 7, 2011

I am trying to import our repository with history into jira, but the file is 23GB.

When I try to upload this file to the dumps on our webDAV, the server kills the connection.

Is there a limit to how large the files can be?

If so, how would I be able to migrate our SVN repository into jira?



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TonyD November 23, 2011

We were hosting our own SVN on a box in the office.

I was trying to upload the svn dump from our box into jira, but this can't be done by the user.

If anyone else have a similar issue, log a ticket request with Atlassian and give them access to pull the file from you. (through http/ftp etc).

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Valentijn Scholten
Rising Star
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November 23, 2011

Just curious: What's the use case? Why would you want to upload a 23GB svn dump file into jira?

TonyD November 23, 2011

That was how big our SVN codebase was. It was kept in the basement box for about 10 years used by 20+ people.

Valentijn Scholten
Rising Star
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November 23, 2011

I can understand why it's so big, but why import it into jira?

TonyD November 23, 2011

ACtually, I think I might be getting my products confused, but I was trying to import it into Jira/Fisheye.

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Norman Abramovitz
Rising Star
Rising Star
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November 7, 2011

What do you mean by importing SVN repository into Jira?

Do you mean accessing an existing SVN repository with JIRA?

Do you mean accessing an existing SVN repository that was used with a previous JIRA release?

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