Import JSON file to Jira from Trello

Steve Sargent May 8, 2024

Hi - I am a non-technical person trying to facilitate an import of a JSON file from Trello into Jira - I passed the JSON file to the tech people (having stripped out the emojis from the cards) but the import is failing - any reason why this might be?

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Ben Finn
Rising Star
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May 8, 2024

Hi @Steve Sargent

Did you follow all the steps here: Import data from Trello | Atlassian Support

Can you try to determine if you are on cloud or server or data center?

Is it kicking back any error or complaint?


Steve Sargent May 8, 2024

Hi, Ben - we don't have an interface/add-on that connects Trello to Jira, so I produced the export in a JSON format and passed that to the techies to import to Jira. I have asked (and am awaiting a response to) the question of error messages. I think we are running from the cloud, but didn't want to guess - will confirm.

Ben Finn
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 8, 2024

Fair. Why go with JSON? CSV is much easier to handle. I think Trello offers that option as well, no?

Steve Sargent May 8, 2024

It does - I actually provided an xls and a csv file, but they then asked for JSON - I presume they had their reasons.

Ben Finn
Rising Star
Rising Star
Rising Stars are recognized for providing high-quality answers to other users. Rising Stars receive a certificate of achievement and are on the path to becoming Community Leaders.
May 8, 2024

I would be curious to know the reason if they ever tell you. In my experience, May differ from others, CSV is easier to manage. 

I'm afraid I can't help you unless we can get more details on why it's failing. 

One thing you could do is spin up a new free instance of Jira and try the import yourself.

Steve Sargent May 8, 2024

Thanks Ben - not sure I have the confidence to try that  - I will let you know when I get a reply though, if you'll bear with me.


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